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Osu! Murcia

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Luqas678 97.62% 33,956.17pp 3,253,348,750 112 1,135 544
2 Lolu 96.40% 20,449.19pp 49,364,428,428 69 1,443 1,840
3 Bl4z3Mania 97.09% 16,420.63pp 3,093,043,543 175 1,301 465
4 jdfs 97.13% 12,057.16pp 14,445,641,350 4 592 1,232
5 LuckDoesntExist 97.38% 7,807.98pp 13,248,075,987 82 576 1,027
6 Semond 98.31% 6,899.07pp 10,993,018,535 85 519 1,171
7 DPJ9fuegos 99.99% 6,623.39pp 499,056,990,306 19,639 451 6
8 Matt467 91.05% 2,236.84pp 111,405,659 66 46 61
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