Top donators
If you want to participate, please head on to this link
Donations in all currencies are converted to €
1 | Linesguy | 143,00€ |
2 | xasuma | 69,92€ |
3 | basw | 56,48€ |
4 | - Neo - | 55,00€ |
5 | customCat | 42,33€ |
6 | Sleepteiner | 38,46€ |
7 | grizzlypng | 29,50€ |
8 | 290ms | 29,00€ |
9 | Edgar_Figaro | 20,00€ |
10 | Kingkevin30 | 18,04€ |
11 | CelluloidRacer2 | 16,07€ |
12 | accrazed | 15,78€ |
13 | PouletFurtif | 15,29€ |
14 | Romania | 15,00€ |
15 | Scorpia | 11,29€ |
16 | Daanbe | 11,11€ |
17 | YaourtGG | 10,00€ |
18 | DaSushiAsian | 10,00€ |
19 | idiothoved | 7,12€ |
20 | egg | 5,01€ |
21 | ArcheryIsKey | 3,96€ |
22 | animeslayergp | 3,00€ |
23 | Chernobog | 3,00€ |
24 | DarkDriverHR | 2,00€ |
25 | goheegy | 1,50€ |
26 | Ney | 1,50€ |
27 | PolyPP | 1,50€ |
28 | Catgirl | 1,50€ |
29 | Lay | 1,50€ |
30 | RhytmicPantsu | 1,50€ |
31 | lxLucasxl | 1,50€ |
32 | Jeremii | 0,55€ |
I also give major thanks to -Akio- who was there when I started to share the project and otaku-overclocks dev team members who are a great help! <3