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Osu! Murcia

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,506) mikhe 99.64% 6,979.60pp 68,928,072,035 2,459 4,065 5
2 (#1,663) DPJ9fuegos 99.99% 6,602.10pp 452,592,944,114 17,814 451 6
3 (#9,676) Luqas678 98.98% 2,304.07pp 213,386,426 7 68 40
4 (#27,497) Bl4z3Mania 98.66% 1,133.86pp 119,353,529 4 36 53
5 (#36,514) Matt467 99.58% 890.75pp 83,877,901 51 22 25
6 (#40,902) Semond 99.17% 799.75pp 196,828,097 7 31 12
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