Top 50 million score
Rank Player Count Score
1 GrilledCheeese 10,537 17,114
2 GH_CHAIKA 6,783 16,308
3 ERA Nikolai 3,977 10,365
4 [ Elrizera ] 2,687 7,028
5 Kakao 219 4,429
6 Hanss 128 4,321
7 Falcon 1,191 4,256
8 [HaRu] 11 3,444
9 Zyph 4 2,775
10 inteliser 8 2,655
11 Ayydar 0 2,514
12 gosy777 60 1,933
13 Cursetyl 1,028 1,716
14 Jisol 0 1,658
15 Bruce 76 1,532
16 [ Assassin ] 954 1,499
17 SeungYeon 40 1,465
18 Halogen- 4 1,434
19 IQ166 750 1,164
20 araragigun 40 1,038
21 YU-G 6 911
22 Meiden 381 883
23 Urusai 3 869
24 Tess 708 862
25 silverkok 662 834
26 Lothus 13 800
27 kevin3333g 727 752
28 May 358 744
29 [Crz]LaoGan636 4 692
30 mo_Gwa 12 638
31 LuxAzure 94 625
32 KcHecKa 208 598
33 misternopal 792 595
34 _Ryz 555 545
35 -nowsmart- 174 543
36 3_3 106 517
37 FuyukiTK 106 513
38 dudekf454 57 475
39 Blazeciel 554 471
40 FerdiXIA- 1,216 463
41 Pouyter 430 462
42 iCTea- 302 443
43 AnLs 56 440
44 Asrielly 16 413
45 Nedeam 277 410
46 Nabi- 222 402
47 ZayyKen 828 394
48 lxLucasxl 84 382
49 Adri 314 382
50 AlexDest 1 378
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