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Osu! Murcia

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#82) Lolu 98.20% 17,609.70pp 48,963,940,089 69 1,316 1,710
2 (#5,978) jdfs 98.18% 9,615.25pp 13,670,502,757 3 383 1,133
3 (#19,427) LuckDoesntExist 97.95% 7,574.46pp 13,248,075,987 82 576 1,027
4 (#29,495) Semond 98.44% 6,875.76pp 10,674,251,077 85 517 1,143
5 (#92,646) Luqas678 97.84% 4,967.95pp 1,463,487,007 6 111 136
6 (#221,343) Bl4z3Mania 96.26% 3,383.17pp 1,638,330,789 8 154 248
7 (#1,076,131) DPJ9fuegos 98.97% 804.32pp 361,480,958 143 224 57
8 (#3,959,936) Matt467 80.75% 28.21pp 602,922 0 0 3
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