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Osu! Murcia

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Luqas678 97.65% 36,312.63pp 2,928,705,073 89 1,101 514
2 Lolu 96.57% 20,396.75pp 49,174,511,433 69 1,440 1,832
3 Bl4z3Mania 97.24% 19,938.82pp 3,153,310,574 175 1,367 520
4 jdfs 97.18% 11,896.69pp 13,925,713,425 4 589 1,207
5 DPJ9fuegos 99.15% 9,458.59pp 453,043,497,495 18,039 806 103
6 LuckDoesntExist 96.12% 9,176.19pp 13,430,020,725 82 684 1,084
7 Semond 88.79% 7,833.85pp 10,883,752,092 92 552 1,161
8 mikhe 99.64% 6,979.60pp 68,928,072,035 2,459 4,065 5
9 Matt467 91.12% 2,165.00pp 111,405,659 66 46 63
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