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Osu! Murcia

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#47) Luqas678 96.97% 22,526.60pp 1,032,120,408 72 883 161
2 (#1,274) Bl4z3Mania 96.83% 12,722.10pp 1,335,359,225 163 1,111 164
3 (#87,626) Lolu 94.95% 2,787.05pp 210,571,344 0 124 122
4 (#113,315) jdfs 96.18% 2,281.44pp 255,210,668 1 206 74
5 (#169,215) LuckDoesntExist 94.29% 1,601.73pp 181,944,738 0 108 57
6 (#407,503) Matt467 88.09% 496.21pp 20,768,681 0 3 10
7 (#826,051) Semond 81.04% 61.59pp 11,795,807 0 1 5
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