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Osu! Murcia

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,427) Luqas678 97.50% 6,514.01pp 219,711,232 4 39 177
2 (#17,982) Bl4z3Mania 96.99% 2,699.69pp 60,267,031 0 66 55
3 (#24,120) DPJ9fuegos 97.65% 2,052.17pp 89,072,423 82 131 40
4 (#61,799) Matt467 96.72% 749.84pp 6,156,155 15 21 25
5 (#229,581) Semond 89.39% 96.76pp 877,111 0 3 1
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