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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 sytho 93.83% 23,162.40pp 18,106,469,828 159 701 785
2 vekt0r 96.50% 19,196.37pp 31,474,955,809 71 959 2,468
3 thaibuy 97.64% 17,417.08pp 132,622,202,547 572 5,420 1,912
4 SakuraSunset 97.00% 14,327.80pp 28,401,452,588 16 667 655
5 moosepi 98.94% 13,662.77pp 239,210,801,283 915 7,417 6,467
6 rrailgun 89.25% 12,644.68pp 42,751,266,390 589 3,667 3,094
7 Astana 97.98% 10,617.00pp 35,785,994,614 30 852 1,410
8 DraguinZZ 98.50% 10,533.40pp 47,826,456,133 80 1,704 2,292
9 BobbyZlich 99.26% 10,119.70pp 75,332,447,774 152 1,753 2,259
10 JeZag 94.44% 9,794.63pp 42,945,142,467 16 1,181 1,389
11 Jensen 96.88% 9,183.00pp 30,406,048,989 228 961 1,041
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