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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#15,587) rrailgun 99.52% 1,644.02pp 494,263,818 20 134 90
2 (#74,987) vekt0r 95.41% 368.13pp 22,233,669 2 10 7
3 (#111,730) sytho 93.67% 205.24pp 13,857,907 1 2 9
4 (#59,787) SakuraSunset 95.71% 84.86pp 6,296,614 0 3 2
5 (#311,659) Jensen 94.79% 48.17pp 3,103,180 0 1 1
6 (#483,952) JeZag 87.26% 28.10pp 45,641,934 0 0 0
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