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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#8) sytho 97.43% 21,203.20pp 17,999,056,045 156 639 727
2 (#408) thaibuy 98.74% 14,317.60pp 130,750,580,267 395 3,818 1,703
3 (#809) SakuraSunset 99.62% 13,086.40pp 28,315,268,660 16 591 635
4 (#3,086) Astana 97.98% 10,617.00pp 35,785,994,614 30 852 1,410
5 (#3,242) DraguinZZ 98.50% 10,533.40pp 47,826,456,133 80 1,704 2,292
6 (#4,182) BobbyZlich 99.26% 10,119.70pp 75,332,447,774 152 1,753 2,259
7 (#5,424) rrailgun 97.87% 9,659.01pp 42,209,342,566 568 3,506 2,975
8 (#6,120) vekt0r 98.35% 9,444.42pp 30,393,512,948 64 753 1,800
9 (#7,281) Jensen 98.97% 9,134.83pp 30,402,945,809 228 960 1,040
10 (#7,750) moosepi 99.24% 9,029.95pp 238,573,695,422 530 7,081 6,095
11 (#38,828) JeZag 98.22% 6,346.66pp 42,593,654,068 16 918 1,317
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