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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#17,457) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,809.19pp 105,537,261,087 46,494 58,722 2,250
2 (#45,732) luijiso 95.45% 3,838.17pp 7,110,763,100 3,102 4,167 69
3 (#48,495) Zak 95.95% 3,723.70pp 809,307,996 102 462 269
4 (#73,958) BluePlusSymbol 94.85% 2,874.18pp 424,533,572 41 290 129
5 (#96,873) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 94.78% 2,340.44pp 838,983,329 31 539 338
6 (#104,259) Nadger 96.41% 2,202.84pp 958,996,115 73 701 320
7 (#128,977) WubWoofWolf 97.38% 1,830.46pp 2,989,235,117 616 1,806 592
8 (#166,209) xasuma 97.44% 1,441.49pp 14,180,873,998 6,103 8,214 257
9 (#225,239) Dusalty 98.00% 1,016.36pp 5,755,065,571 2,570 2,721 497
10 (#243,667) kevin3333g 100.00% 917.10pp 3,187,999,592 3,188 0 0
11 (#295,784) geckogates 97.14% 695.22pp 194,373,149 44 117 24
12 (#476,553) Maklovitz 60.72% 1.75pp 1,483,281 0 0 0
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