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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#53) chocomint 99.43% 18,098.70pp 97,097,056,701 242 1,285 900
2 (#850) WubWoofWolf 99.16% 12,815.80pp 407,368,872,405 36,037 16,241 6,583
3 (#2,228) Doomsday 98.67% 11,071.60pp 292,695,721,994 1,100 9,553 4,390
4 (#2,308) GGBY 98.82% 11,005.30pp 207,700,461,010 1,598 14,999 585
5 (#4,996) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 99.17% 9,682.87pp 908,740,367,436 42,143 48,620 13,947
6 (#6,580) Maklovitz 99.24% 9,206.24pp 940,237,995,308 18,655 67,688 9,579
7 (#10,013) xasuma 99.33% 8,508.51pp 495,799,131,654 25,432 41,327 9,409
8 (#37,583) Andrea 99.74% 6,339.55pp 383,222,123,527 19,828 14,583 6
9 (#40,580) shaneoyo 99.08% 6,214.96pp 222,539,900,979 9 40,736 4,846
10 (#47,952) geckogates 98.93% 5,942.70pp 91,436,572,076 1,887 9,480 2,949
11 (#79,856) luijiso 98.92% 5,105.63pp 16,140,101,750 220 1,922 1,936
12 (#117,728) Dusalty 98.74% 4,450.88pp 106,430,965,683 3,182 10,542 6,921
13 (#205,662) kenji 98.72% 3,416.58pp 14,690,773,693 161 2,165 677
14 (#344,483) syu 98.55% 2,471.70pp 5,960,925,054 28 483 1,242
15 (#431,869) Dark Diego 96.46% 2,069.68pp 1,145,153,825 59 204 223
16 (#658,356) BluePlusSymbol 99.48% 1,366.05pp 226,198,462 101 134 77
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