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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#128) Abstract- 99.90% 15,289.20pp 926,082,292,298 48,948 19,360 139
2 (#332) RAMPAGE88 99.91% 12,043.80pp 550,836,285,216 21,448 4,541 0
3 (#352) Zak 99.84% 11,797.60pp 897,700,049,022 59,355 15,541 371
4 (#449) syu 99.84% 10,974.20pp 1,044,188,058,818 72,500 11,833 230
5 (#986) luijiso 99.28% 8,068.71pp 23,049,532,486 614 2,204 286
6 (#1,334) Nadger 99.66% 7,094.94pp 156,915,457,115 5,858 3,324 27
7 (#1,387) mikhe 99.64% 6,979.60pp 68,928,072,035 2,459 4,065 5
8 (#1,445) kenji 99.52% 6,831.39pp 72,341,589,729 4,494 2,476 33
9 (#1,652) Dark Diego 99.74% 6,397.80pp 81,927,402,753 4,261 2,612 9
10 (#2,254) kisbee 99.75% 5,369.43pp 150,131,526,350 5,743 7,447 281
11 (#3,179) dbzguru32 99.72% 4,363.49pp 134,735,922,464 7,073 6,826 80
12 (#3,569) Herschel 99.81% 4,069.77pp 26,860,078,116 1,121 1,856 0
13 (#3,672) WubWoofWolf 99.75% 3,995.72pp 7,892,076,476 458 2,240 897
14 (#7,670) Dusalty 99.61% 2,558.77pp 63,138,510,815 4,611 5,824 1,110
15 (#8,595) Tess 99.62% 2,394.97pp 12,216,916,614 302 1,634 214
16 (#9,247) xasuma 99.89% 2,296.17pp 111,407,792,933 4,241 2,848 78
17 (#18,433) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 99.65% 1,466.19pp 1,406,408,658 79 247 50
18 (#35,752) BluePlusSymbol 99.23% 864.88pp 54,900,380 16 71 28
19 (#47,254) GrilledCheeese 98.33% 650.94pp 115,532,836 11 43 47
20 (#341,984) Maklovitz 84.71% 16.62pp 2,378,620 1 0 1
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