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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,242) BluePlusSymbol 98.33% 10,133.30pp 46,770,484,733 10,492 30,392 21,938
2 (#1,978) luijiso 98.58% 8,616.05pp 3,581,174,247 487 3,672 798
3 (#2,208) kevin3333g 99.93% 8,264.18pp 30,594,064,201 63,898 640 6
4 (#4,899) WubWoofWolf 98.44% 5,944.10pp 2,808,424,154 1,169 2,158 2,194
5 (#5,209) Dusalty 97.97% 5,781.24pp 13,217,696,223 5,712 12,277 5,837
6 (#5,211) xasuma 99.20% 5,780.26pp 3,182,957,739 96 2,628 1,780
7 (#7,645) Doomsday 97.30% 4,719.58pp 425,577,336 0 110 291
8 (#10,284) Nadger 97.85% 3,896.06pp 659,440,742 54 755 324
9 (#10,864) Zak 97.43% 3,751.91pp 378,373,019 68 273 216
10 (#16,478) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 97.13% 2,688.59pp 144,636,880 16 239 131
11 (#18,370) syu 97.61% 2,437.72pp 73,861,800 1 68 56
12 (#24,374) geckogates 97.51% 1,851.40pp 118,902,724 68 252 100
13 (#32,986) Maklovitz 98.65% 1,149.28pp 6,052,298 8 75 11
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