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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,349) Applequestria 98.71% 10,358.80pp 45,481,699,704 3,337 1,696 2,561
2 (#29,434) Mat 98.05% 6,741.52pp 14,965,346,244 65 984 1,624
3 (#54,886) Hayabusa 98.64% 5,723.91pp 3,881,766,673 8 162 884
4 (#56,460) xSnaggles 98.13% 5,678.30pp 10,921,600,662 15 628 1,085
5 (#122,647) Infora 98.14% 4,381.22pp 24,452,726,348 324 1,436 2,511
6 (#125,231) beckie 98.43% 4,344.13pp 7,827,837,795 175 849 1,445
7 (#190,051) Amascite 98.14% 3,565.13pp 1,564,667,008 8 76 262
8 (#112,656) MaDD 96.87% 2,301.12pp 2,619,225,794 20 365 316
9 (#414,615) arbiterVscarab 97.92% 2,145.92pp 3,476,509,705 169 979 435
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