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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#781) Applequestria 95.97% 13,364.50pp 4,028,378,646 780 3,372 77
2 (#2,192) xSnaggles 97.67% 10,687.70pp 2,862,693,230 460 2,287 222
3 (#2,344) Hayabusa 96.48% 10,527.10pp 4,712,684,722 989 3,653 303
4 (#6,416) Scorpia 96.40% 8,143.52pp 7,421,049,134 3,888 3,828 37
5 (#6,578) Amascite 96.70% 8,091.22pp 4,157,450,279 262 430 72
6 (#7,468) MaDD 97.03% 7,804.75pp 3,424,021,078 868 2,669 50
7 (#9,040) Mat 96.36% 7,371.23pp 3,297,933,519 538 2,720 271
8 (#9,793) Infora 95.95% 7,187.34pp 26,662,002,110 18,367 9,426 200
9 (#10,608) Esaphia 95.48% 6,994.47pp 3,394,416,391 1,008 2,343 304
10 (#21,227) RollingQuarries 96.82% 5,399.57pp 3,735,036,529 667 2,927 259
11 (#53,230) arbiterVscarab 96.36% 3,546.89pp 3,383,335,617 951 2,596 83
12 (#79,172) beckie 95.67% 2,741.99pp 3,001,298,002 143 2,450 659
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