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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#8,279) Infora 99.48% 2,448.77pp 4,414,047,743 463 577 167
2 (#9,451) Mat 99.62% 2,267.11pp 1,200,044,750 155 196 65
3 (#10,046) arbiterVscarab 99.20% 2,187.59pp 730,802,425 69 239 131
4 (#11,364) Applequestria 98.69% 2,030.78pp 1,346,488,716 648 113 239
5 (#13,357) beckie 99.70% 1,824.05pp 5,919,627,650 1,593 2,270 703
6 (#15,474) liaminitmullen 99.69% 1,653.68pp 4,942,819,571 785 632 108
7 (#121,537) MaDD 96.44% 126.14pp 11,784,618 1 8 6
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