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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,255) Esaphia 98.08% 10,096.40pp 2,537,333,349 20 569 1,042
2 (#3,773) Applequestria 98.14% 6,684.00pp 925,123,488 24 236 1,384
3 (#7,450) Mat 96.34% 4,788.00pp 213,058,444 10 120 199
4 (#16,183) beckie 97.92% 2,732.25pp 533,198,063 62 1,047 469
5 (#16,409) xSnaggles 97.29% 2,698.49pp 145,464,115 4 57 234
6 (#16,601) Infora 98.15% 2,675.41pp 254,775,782 219 159 272
7 (#19,359) arbiterVscarab 96.66% 2,318.03pp 111,012,504 20 195 119
8 (#27,132) MaDD 95.04% 1,335.14pp 20,037,953 1 40 32
9 (#35,453) Amascite 95.88% 1,264.06pp 44,276,686 0 8 13
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