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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,947) Applequestria 98.42% 10,434.70pp 45,506,176,451 3,342 1,658 2,806
2 (#25,366) Mat 97.19% 7,139.21pp 16,199,475,632 64 934 2,252
3 (#51,524) Hayabusa 98.65% 5,916.14pp 5,506,088,039 8 156 1,297
4 (#53,189) xSnaggles 98.25% 5,859.25pp 11,566,826,412 17 598 1,499
5 (#87,772) Amascite 99.03% 4,987.99pp 2,164,186,522 17 123 442
6 (#114,248) Infora 97.93% 4,502.17pp 24,846,598,935 356 1,347 3,483
7 (#127,903) beckie 98.16% 4,287.58pp 7,828,059,779 178 766 2,210
8 (#112,656) MaDD 96.87% 2,301.12pp 2,619,225,794 20 365 316
9 (#389,886) arbiterVscarab 97.58% 2,192.91pp 3,476,509,705 170 910 631
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