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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 HydriZ 96.69% 30,789.51pp 79,988,503,657 3,909 3,248 2,377
2 Remyria 97.77% 27,775.32pp 45,735,006,361 5,853 4,471 686
3 NeoAxel 98.19% 27,638.34pp 84,709,983,493 634 4,644 3,575
4 Ignite 97.40% 25,705.57pp 53,653,016,529 271 2,582 2,384
5 Azer 97.67% 24,263.88pp 64,971,264,408 256 1,864 1,748
6 Swiishy 97.19% 17,248.07pp 77,231,363,968 1,321 4,927 2,172
7 Tempered 97.15% 15,562.01pp 38,355,852,354 115 1,630 2,265
8 Ciuriya 97.94% 15,469.77pp 104,653,402,963 1,604 4,076 1,187
9 robrt 84.99% 15,041.50pp 3,305,764,691 1,103 1,619 191
10 -Gab- 92.35% 13,855.22pp 37,844,289,833 119 866 1,942
11 Fiertwer 95.63% 13,275.59pp 27,533,611,046 66 1,069 1,214
12 AlbertInPain 95.77% 12,955.90pp 1,014,244,984 39 895 201
13 Sinaeb 97.86% 12,686.36pp 16,334,528,514 259 3,188 3,104
14 Kyruem 95.85% 12,617.72pp 29,238,840,999 36 1,070 1,219
15 Cyrzai 98.44% 10,105.50pp 65,671,472,886 1,880 6,391 1,695
16 NicoPlaysThings 87.05% 1,789.81pp 195,598,049 141 107 40
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