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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 HydriZ 96.75% 30,452.73pp 81,073,723,470 3,899 3,155 3,018
2 NeoAxel 98.20% 27,497.47pp 84,754,597,955 578 4,639 3,944
3 Remyria 97.74% 27,009.46pp 45,837,967,080 4,940 5,203 1,132
4 Swiishy 97.10% 17,706.82pp 79,211,283,438 1,445 4,938 2,558
5 Azer 97.74% 16,604.41pp 65,519,900,367 258 1,775 1,629
6 robrt 85.03% 14,115.53pp 3,402,292,174 44 2,711 293
7 Fiertwer 95.54% 13,472.39pp 27,759,494,662 64 1,010 1,568
8 -Gab- 94.14% 12,859.09pp 38,338,914,898 124 846 2,259
9 Sinaeb 97.88% 12,234.61pp 16,352,367,451 44 3,126 4,278
10 J Simon 96.03% 11,831.20pp 1,019,331,023 0 873 256
11 Tempered 99.15% 10,957.47pp 38,015,589,878 111 1,333 2,461
12 Ignite 99.20% 10,758.70pp 51,782,804,660 233 1,671 2,149
13 Cyrzai 98.25% 10,157.86pp 69,705,742,711 2,222 6,946 1,863
14 Kyruem 99.06% 9,160.20pp 29,080,882,967 37 925 1,464
15 Ciuriya 99.54% 8,599.68pp 101,244,250,572 1,369 3,497 1,266
16 NicoPlaysThings 98.66% 1,785.33pp 197,524,086 141 97 66
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