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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,043) -Gab- 99.13% 12,456.50pp 35,636,321,133 116 806 1,800
2 (#1,451) Azer 99.16% 11,831.70pp 62,289,035,398 253 1,573 1,290
3 (#2,407) Ignite 99.10% 10,900.60pp 51,758,766,408 235 1,722 1,882
4 (#2,834) Swiishy 99.17% 10,622.70pp 67,323,259,201 524 2,979 1,934
5 (#4,076) Fiertwer 98.14% 10,036.00pp 22,968,266,141 59 856 994
6 (#6,579) Kyruem 99.07% 9,199.56pp 29,061,794,621 34 971 1,159
7 (#6,938) Remyria 99.11% 9,103.31pp 26,174,609,809 1,678 1,470 405
8 (#9,178) Ciuriya 99.61% 8,631.69pp 101,210,376,556 1,375 3,522 1,165
9 (#9,396) NeoAxel 99.02% 8,593.13pp 75,746,399,078 255 2,182 2,656
10 (#10,402) Cyrzai 99.51% 8,442.73pp 51,799,655,674 1,018 4,055 1,651
11 (#21,069) HydriZ 98.60% 7,277.14pp 27,000,339,189 332 1,228 1,491
12 (#22,780) Tempered 99.10% 7,151.55pp 34,613,102,445 101 1,205 1,849
13 (#80,594) Sinaeb 99.18% 5,086.86pp 12,759,821,844 44 552 2,322
14 (#288,835) Robert6400 95.62% 2,782.93pp 546,411,919 7 137 110
15 (#518,199) nicoplaysthings 99.19% 1,747.31pp 175,791,955 139 99 32
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