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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 HydriZ 96.69% 30,038.10pp 74,470,359,772 3,563 2,884 2,316
2 Remyria 97.78% 27,457.40pp 45,389,255,649 5,829 4,424 676
3 NeoAxel 98.19% 26,805.08pp 83,108,725,272 554 4,379 3,470
4 Ignite 97.40% 25,705.57pp 53,628,978,277 271 2,582 2,378
5 Azer 97.66% 23,923.24pp 62,925,293,884 255 1,839 1,668
6 Swiishy 97.01% 17,092.43pp 69,567,996,069 610 3,721 2,240
7 Tempered 97.14% 15,509.54pp 36,792,801,515 115 1,612 2,194
8 Ciuriya 97.94% 15,469.77pp 104,619,528,947 1,603 4,074 1,186
9 Robert6400 84.96% 14,497.33pp 2,879,560,110 848 1,509 186
10 -Gab- 92.37% 13,360.52pp 35,657,608,166 116 817 1,808
11 AlbertInPain 95.81% 12,917.50pp 989,648,032 39 870 200
12 Kyruem 95.85% 12,617.72pp 29,219,752,653 36 1,069 1,219
13 Sinaeb 97.84% 12,501.35pp 15,946,418,029 257 3,170 3,050
14 Fiertwer 95.65% 12,456.79pp 23,290,590,760 64 1,006 1,077
15 Cyrzai 99.01% 9,183.16pp 52,663,034,355 1,102 4,209 1,656
16 nicoplaysthings 87.05% 1,776.06pp 179,535,960 139 102 32
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