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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#899) AlbertInPain 95.81% 12,917.50pp 989,648,032 39 870 200
2 (#1,486) Robert6400 97.31% 11,658.80pp 2,325,360,544 839 1,370 75
3 (#8,880) Sinaeb 96.50% 7,414.49pp 3,186,596,185 213 2,618 728
4 (#21,007) Remyria 96.35% 5,419.89pp 2,735,291,542 944 1,894 77
5 (#23,207) Ignite 95.84% 5,203.73pp 690,240,304 13 602 121
6 (#36,279) Azer 96.30% 4,302.60pp 295,152,236 2 216 95
7 (#36,375) NeoAxel 96.94% 4,296.90pp 765,600,481 66 723 49
8 (#66,981) HydriZ 94.58% 3,084.54pp 465,744,510 3 212 261
9 (#72,342) Tempered 95.83% 2,926.78pp 306,447,677 3 208 123
10 (#83,968) Ciuriya 96.11% 2,626.61pp 295,810,557 6 304 20
11 (#184,560) Swiishy 95.14% 1,295.02pp 237,063,796 5 161 90
12 (#228,067) Fiertwer 94.05% 1,004.70pp 173,996,899 2 106 60
13 (#270,892) Kyruem 93.70% 796.39pp 101,199,934 1 52 34
14 (#433,262) -Gab- 89.53% 335.17pp 17,264,301 0 10 6
15 (#1,029,902) nicoplaysthings 74.80% 18.05pp 3,604,145 0 2 0
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