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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,166) NeoAxel 99.19% 10,326.60pp 2,375,864,964 150 1,089 733
2 (#1,893) Remyria 98.40% 8,763.40pp 1,004,402,293 390 953 134
3 (#2,582) Azer 98.86% 7,788.94pp 341,106,250 0 50 283
4 (#3,290) Ignite 98.30% 7,083.39pp 506,299,190 9 139 326
5 (#6,530) HydriZ 96.89% 5,147.92pp 274,639,601 5 85 220
6 (#17,911) Kyruem 98.15% 2,483.56pp 33,515,468 0 43 22
7 (#18,246) Swiishy 97.72% 2,439.79pp 108,838,070 8 196 99
8 (#25,231) Tempered 96.35% 1,786.45pp 36,310,634 0 31 43
9 (#32,180) Ciuriya 99.93% 1,392.70pp 10,798,022 91 4 0
10 (#46,206) Fiertwer 95.04% 935.92pp 12,918,026 0 27 10
11 (#68,616) -Gab- 90.37% 560.59pp 3,445,678 0 1 1
12 (#87,111) Cyrzai 98.78% 389.17pp 1,801,311 3 8 1
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