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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 WubWoofWolf 99.29% 22,675.68pp 429,329,865,123 38,702 20,219 11,662
2 luijiso 99.10% 22,137.05pp 49,405,527,375 1,396 8,144 3,583
3 Zak 97.41% 19,176.90pp 955,876,236,564 61,987 17,689 1,298
4 Doomsday 96.38% 18,555.67pp 307,805,990,328 1,145 9,936 6,121
5 chocomint 99.39% 18,460.80pp 98,684,760,383 247 1,281 957
6 xasuma 98.54% 17,653.22pp 660,119,181,172 32,820 66,207 12,661
7 syu 96.92% 16,516.29pp 1,219,487,159,124 93,733 12,653 2,078
8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 96.85% 16,016.19pp 949,979,401,320 42,763 50,896 16,427
9 Abstract- 99.90% 15,435.30pp 995,825,480,239 52,006 20,336 150
10 BluePlusSymbol 98.98% 12,098.94pp 47,148,389,267 10,613 30,638 25,742
11 GGBY 98.83% 11,268.10pp 221,854,100,407 1,640 15,321 735
12 Maklovitz 76.26% 10,347.95pp 993,969,283,951 19,048 71,979 11,849
13 kenji 99.17% 10,194.27pp 87,045,647,824 4,655 4,530 836
14 kevin3333g 99.97% 10,054.33pp 36,589,835,845 72,669 642 6
15 Nadger 98.02% 9,297.26pp 158,092,844,542 5,860 4,033 399
16 Uan 99.04% 6,914.89pp 87,290,546,538 3,237 7,716 1,243
17 Dark Diego 99.74% 6,398.31pp 81,927,402,753 4,261 2,612 9
18 shaneoyo 99.08% 6,334.91pp 249,141,146,494 9 41,622 7,825
19 Andrea 99.75% 6,284.52pp 425,438,080,030 21,102 15,612 7
20 geckogates 98.97% 5,848.64pp 91,502,420,427 1,890 9,139 3,565
21 GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 15,971 88,341 2,923
22 Dusalty 98.68% 4,419.37pp 106,701,316,923 3,192 10,074 8,988
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