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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#17,930) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 15,971 88,341 2,923
2 (#46,985) Zak 95.95% 3,708.31pp 810,507,811 1 508 285
3 (#90,120) Doomsday 94.45% 2,334.00pp 499,505,877 0 229 266
4 (#90,333) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 94.78% 2,328.96pp 840,775,296 0 494 388
5 (#96,590) Nadger 96.38% 2,191.53pp 958,996,115 0 697 372
6 (#148,653) xasuma 97.46% 1,432.01pp 14,183,779,725 1 14,181 387
7 (#207,368) kevin3333g 100.00% 920.86pp 3,717,999,592 3,713 0 0
8 (#256,221) syu 94.86% 638.25pp 163,197,229 4 87 53
9 (#476,553) Maklovitz 60.72% 1.75pp 1,483,281 0 0 0
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