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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#165) Abstract- 99.90% 15,435.30pp 995,825,480,239 52,006 20,336 150
2 (#389) Zak 99.84% 11,964.20pp 954,686,602,436 61,918 16,908 681
3 (#491) syu 99.84% 10,977.60pp 1,213,213,488,101 93,700 12,034 232
4 (#874) luijiso 99.37% 8,447.64pp 27,365,453,986 685 2,451 294
5 (#1,271) Nadger 99.65% 7,105.73pp 157,133,848,427 5,860 3,336 27
6 (#1,362) kenji 99.52% 6,826.97pp 72,350,100,531 4,494 2,476 33
7 (#1,533) Dark Diego 99.74% 6,398.31pp 81,927,402,753 4,261 2,612 9
8 (#2,986) WubWoofWolf 99.76% 4,013.16pp 7,895,283,861 452 2,245 899
9 (#6,389) xasuma 99.89% 2,295.68pp 111,519,907,614 4,255 2,859 79
10 (#10,943) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 99.65% 1,467.99pp 1,430,389,047 79 248 53
11 (#16,496) Doomsday 98.35% 946.55pp 146,102,263 2 28 28
12 (#17,678) BluePlusSymbol 99.23% 865.16pp 54,900,380 12 66 36
13 (#341,984) Maklovitz 84.71% 16.62pp 2,378,620 1 0 1
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