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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,227) BluePlusSymbol 98.11% 9,857.51pp 46,867,290,425 10,498 30,436 25,626
2 (#1,528) kevin3333g 99.95% 9,133.47pp 32,871,836,253 68,956 642 6
3 (#2,108) luijiso 98.67% 8,027.83pp 3,581,237,369 487 3,673 987
4 (#4,028) WubWoofWolf 98.52% 5,943.22pp 2,810,364,963 1,168 2,161 2,834
5 (#4,752) xasuma 99.40% 5,426.92pp 3,183,232,961 96 2,629 1,866
6 (#6,753) Doomsday 97.86% 4,400.72pp 462,895,481 0 125 484
7 (#9,331) Zak 97.89% 3,504.39pp 379,126,317 68 273 332
8 (#14,242) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 97.39% 2,470.51pp 144,909,662 16 239 208
9 (#14,832) syu 97.98% 2,383.52pp 73,906,786 1 67 95
10 (#32,986) Maklovitz 98.65% 1,149.28pp 6,052,298 8 75 11
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