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Ranked Score Hall of Fa(r)mers

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#65) chocomint 99.39% 18,460.80pp 98,684,760,383 247 1,281 957
2 (#1,189) WubWoofWolf 99.12% 12,719.30pp 418,624,216,299 37,082 15,813 7,929
3 (#2,528) GGBY 98.83% 11,268.10pp 221,854,100,407 1,640 15,321 735
4 (#3,124) Doomsday 98.64% 10,874.40pp 306,697,486,707 1,143 9,554 5,343
5 (#5,818) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 98.97% 9,748.73pp 947,563,327,315 42,668 49,915 15,778
6 (#7,866) Maklovitz 99.12% 9,180.30pp 992,644,638,298 19,036 71,829 11,825
7 (#11,661) xasuma 99.32% 8,498.61pp 531,232,260,872 28,468 46,538 10,329
8 (#29,001) Uan 99.04% 6,914.89pp 87,290,546,538 3,237 7,716 1,243
9 (#40,581) shaneoyo 99.08% 6,334.91pp 249,141,146,494 9 41,622 7,825
10 (#41,741) Andrea 99.75% 6,284.52pp 425,438,080,030 21,102 15,612 7
11 (#53,557) geckogates 98.97% 5,848.64pp 91,502,420,427 1,890 9,139 3,565
12 (#59,593) luijiso 98.97% 5,661.58pp 18,458,836,020 224 2,020 2,302
13 (#119,527) Dusalty 98.68% 4,419.37pp 106,701,316,923 3,192 10,074 8,988
14 (#206,262) kenji 98.82% 3,367.30pp 14,695,547,293 161 2,054 803
15 (#326,192) syu 98.22% 2,516.92pp 6,036,567,008 28 465 1,698
16 (#622,237) BluePlusSymbol 99.34% 1,376.27pp 226,198,462 103 136 80
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