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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
251 sularis 97.13% 27,618.39pp 261,126,664,774 13,981 5,484 1,233
252 Lotus779 97.39% 27,613.31pp 5,705,436,096 221 1,406 683
253 kdj8381 97.35% 27,605.02pp 22,194,846,139 301 2,402 1,416
254 LostCool 97.92% 27,602.17pp 14,808,890,739 951 3,822 1,110
255 Infamous Shadow 97.15% 27,590.36pp 51,753,285,698 429 1,396 704
256 splyrg 97.38% 27,541.73pp 17,245,549,315 44 984 1,116
257 Dika312 97.45% 27,538.15pp 81,698,352,388 508 2,504 1,053
258 Maxim-Miau 97.76% 27,516.05pp 14,241,895,050 2,494 3,419 1,332
259 tzechi 97.69% 27,512.68pp 17,208,228,651 49 915 1,326
260 Touhou Project 98.27% 27,510.70pp 119,417,930,425 2,838 11,082 5,660
261 NeoAxel 98.20% 27,485.07pp 84,735,367,859 640 4,652 3,578
262 Mniam 96.81% 27,453.10pp 51,375,660,538 2,221 2,318 879
263 beijing beef 97.95% 27,449.85pp 12,888,393,360 733 3,821 1,336
264 mithew 97.40% 27,447.42pp 26,474,269,103 103 1,576 1,535
265 Reyi 97.58% 27,446.66pp 7,091,490,119 340 1,062 732
266 superSSS 97.32% 27,435.34pp 6,173,260,921 62 1,238 1,024
267 ICECAKE 98.52% 27,399.37pp 5,631,025,422 1,582 2,478 633
268 hosesan1020 99.01% 27,358.45pp 19,242,987,114 151 1,113 1,792
269 Whulf 97.10% 27,350.40pp 8,451,219,254 683 4,804 779
270 Golterboose 96.74% 27,348.70pp 58,423,825,759 356 2,916 1,550
271 banan 96.41% 27,347.40pp 2,561,463,168 364 1,089 485
272 A L E P H 97.31% 27,328.09pp 57,770,509,109 134 1,568 3,368
273 Netamaru 98.38% 27,290.70pp 70,521,148,857 502 1,521 115
274 AR9 96.94% 27,275.05pp 36,608,013,158 34 1,115 2,258
275 ArMa79 98.82% 27,237.19pp 47,212,491,914 596 1,537 787
276 RKT0729 97.14% 27,222.32pp 4,792,508,610 36 937 1,184
277 Secre 98.18% 27,195.63pp 89,729,536,778 835 2,424 515
278 ZelLink 97.82% 27,183.30pp 12,773,083,012 194 1,373 890
279 Dawt 98.01% 27,175.50pp 8,392,258,749 533 1,520 151
280 Avias_ 98.17% 27,160.90pp 64,855,018,197 239 3,519 3,598
281 [RUE]Clamati 97.82% 27,152.20pp 33,447,926,893 326 969 378
282 cagalin 97.34% 27,147.26pp 16,892,062,556 595 5,161 2,752
283 Coreanmaluco 97.46% 27,146.72pp 166,347,330,631 1,499 7,694 3,625
284 Modern 97.82% 27,118.62pp 4,638,033,422 684 2,630 222
285 Roido 97.62% 27,115.66pp 45,503,990,619 553 1,725 475
286 Flameshock 97.86% 27,114.94pp 147,276,008,949 2,771 8,462 5,492
287 _Illustrious_ 97.31% 27,060.77pp 51,028,452,283 6,757 2,003 844
288 Mastasz 97.21% 27,044.07pp 132,276,994,094 505 4,168 2,588
289 Liyac 98.04% 27,026.23pp 64,310,340,987 585 3,137 2,117
290 Remyria 97.74% 27,009.03pp 45,785,783,637 5,868 4,482 687
291 Magma 97.92% 26,991.56pp 73,244,395,787 906 3,717 2,983
292 Dahcreeper 95.39% 26,962.10pp 34,793,780,168 481 2,069 824
293 IA vocaloid 98.30% 26,955.29pp 28,968,327,510 645 4,077 2,461
294 [LS]Gavin 97.19% 26,952.32pp 4,957,041,653 122 1,774 632
295 Y u w a n 98.88% 26,948.55pp 24,993,634,924 114 1,649 2,112
296 shwaerkbilathon 98.02% 26,946.26pp 23,576,174,832 1,078 3,035 2,171
297 Genuine 96.28% 26,944.91pp 15,591,269,780 140 2,132 1,965
298 [Crz]XiaoJun 98.34% 26,920.94pp 9,325,776,982 1,329 1,325 703
299 lifeline 92.59% 26,920.73pp 92,550,737,938 174 3,232 2,817
300 Osjux 98.00% 26,917.53pp 55,621,246,778 4,379 5,986 1,184
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