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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) dressurf 97.93% 30,019.20pp 1,060,568,683 61 939 77
2 (#2) Kalkai 97.52% 29,244.80pp 2,063,275,742 170 1,734 250
3 (#3) Bssd 98.18% 27,862.20pp 935,148,613 108 804 11
4 (#4) butanic 97.76% 27,725.50pp 339,368,218 17 315 21
5 (#5) bojii 97.75% 27,551.60pp 6,389,561,067 3,890 2,459 143
6 (#6) Ojisan- 98.12% 27,399.40pp 673,907,170 76 587 13
7 (#7) HanJaeHun 98.14% 26,411.30pp 464,076,754 30 432 7
8 (#8) _Ennill 97.53% 26,378.80pp 2,113,020,151 591 1,529 61
9 (#9) tyrcs 97.61% 26,363.50pp 1,450,362,419 52 1,129 188
10 (#10) LostCool 97.68% 26,073.70pp 3,686,520,019 742 2,824 96
11 (#11) Stellium 97.68% 25,677.30pp 2,645,414,958 330 1,992 517
12 (#12) NKEYBOARD 97.80% 25,252.40pp 2,242,395,229 482 1,736 62
13 (#13) Suzuha_l 97.56% 25,115.00pp 1,065,522,845 37 1,056 35
14 (#14) DellyK 97.76% 24,792.20pp 529,706,428 12 507 9
15 (#15) cheewee10 98.11% 24,782.60pp 731,668,786 152 571 9
16 (#16) HxcQ777 97.19% 24,773.60pp 1,293,480,751 16 1,241 96
17 (#17) MoTeSolo 97.11% 24,646.30pp 1,269,884,246 97 1,142 52
18 (#18) rubyy 96.87% 24,455.90pp 1,366,722,949 67 1,246 161
19 (#19) Neokje 97.33% 24,353.80pp 652,511,944 9 498 146
20 (#20) af- 97.00% 24,280.50pp 606,122,474 12 527 109
21 (#21) Alchemy 97.21% 24,215.30pp 999,668,837 128 879 58
22 (#22) oct4 96.97% 24,086.10pp 847,855,518 20 764 110
23 (#23) Arona 97.33% 24,065.00pp 1,299,887,945 142 1,162 50
24 (#24) Berrii 97.95% 23,907.40pp 1,674,470,871 81 1,602 48
25 (#25) ideu- 97.59% 23,874.80pp 729,803,592 220 503 23
26 (#26) [Crz]Reimu 96.70% 23,871.40pp 2,177,249,238 484 1,707 68
27 (#27) AlterFangirl 96.35% 23,865.70pp 1,767,924,948 119 1,607 226
28 (#28) Bongearth 97.65% 23,849.10pp 376,986,642 25 354 15
29 (#29) ZoyFangirl 97.46% 23,836.90pp 1,154,777,144 111 1,018 54
30 (#30) aitor98 97.36% 23,701.30pp 1,789,809,880 207 1,719 35
31 (#31) Bunsen 96.99% 23,551.60pp 932,694,562 94 799 108
32 (#32) ruka 97.12% 23,527.40pp 2,557,225,052 1,095 1,426 27
33 (#33) Alter- 97.22% 23,488.10pp 2,388,367,395 325 1,860 293
34 (#34) RaffCo 96.96% 23,458.80pp 886,370,596 56 832 54
35 (#35) rainlily 96.52% 23,446.60pp 908,597,177 54 875 32
36 (#36) yz1155 98.03% 23,446.00pp 1,631,285,084 745 878 7
37 (#37) Crusher 97.23% 23,413.90pp 789,799,640 103 685 24
38 (#38) kiaod 96.94% 23,361.50pp 411,382,693 0 397 46
39 (#39) Modern 97.17% 23,070.70pp 3,048,814,739 600 2,437 68
40 (#40) cr1sp 97.22% 22,898.80pp 981,564,114 292 678 58
41 (#41) Dety 96.97% 22,816.40pp 570,120,809 9 557 39
42 (#42) YunJeong_U 96.51% 22,762.20pp 2,293,267,928 114 2,106 261
43 (#43) Onta_Bekasi 97.14% 22,761.60pp 2,137,902,935 580 1,494 160
44 (#44) TsukiyaWhiskers 96.94% 22,742.20pp 2,925,474,398 187 2,523 234
45 (#45) SillyFangirl 97.19% 22,576.70pp 3,143,360,488 755 2,333 109
46 (#46) wy_ 97.15% 22,567.40pp 976,636,012 263 729 10
47 (#47) Luqas678 96.97% 22,518.40pp 1,030,267,463 72 881 162
48 (#48) Stink God 96.63% 22,517.40pp 4,992,929,813 2,241 2,803 69
49 (#49) chumpup 96.47% 22,431.60pp 1,622,064,390 95 1,480 102
50 (#50) VanWilder 97.15% 22,430.70pp 1,442,203,326 98 1,267 116
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