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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
51 shinitaichan 97.44% 26,099.13pp 358,469,452,979 22,788 69,505 21,041
52 TB 358 97.28% 11,692.56pp 357,436,587,152 2,225 12,361 11,380
53 Brittany Miller 99.10% 13,170.92pp 349,881,013,565 62,257 14,853 3,803
54 Kingling 98.79% 17,062.82pp 337,539,370,876 9,059 11,237 4,876
55 Crossie 77.68% 7,644.31pp 337,209,034,460 5,216 10,396 3,776
56 Lilily 96.91% 15,630.20pp 333,688,641,794 12,912 14,649 4,813
57 Jossfr 98.75% 7,166.39pp 327,983,005,236 7,601 19,961 5,773
58 Falco 94.30% 9,210.52pp 327,847,623,867 6,960 34,773 4,964
59 Sirek 97.74% 16,533.09pp 326,858,410,623 6,473 12,326 6,044
60 Arctaroll 99.97% 10,664.80pp 322,967,283,903 23,137 2,553 213
61 _Shield 97.83% 24,322.83pp 319,172,409,720 880 6,702 3,767
62 FruktoLove 96.21% 27,760.15pp 316,968,065,982 12,156 7,761 238
63 Nene Sakura 97.28% 35,892.37pp 312,661,767,288 19,666 8,789 1,485
64 Louis Marble 97.79% 12,013.20pp 310,568,923,946 48,518 1,206 1,979
65 StellaFox 97.07% 20,064.18pp 309,917,413,733 5,360 14,176 5,615
66 Doomsday 96.38% 18,546.86pp 304,417,503,221 1,122 10,130 5,349
67 Sleepteiner 97.61% 10,806.33pp 299,589,058,715 85,721 808 2,882
68 Sure 99.38% 10,431.89pp 299,267,588,679 41,545 6,690 272
69 Ganondorf 97.88% 12,845.96pp 298,144,101,110 23,332 41,614 20,972
70 -ExGon- 99.65% 11,251.57pp 292,162,017,052 42,939 3,657 948
71 Trinoline 84.83% 7,003.51pp 292,070,119,424 7,497 26,656 8,573
72 Romania 97.14% 11,825.97pp 289,787,853,705 23,767 10,965 4,674
73 Veeti 97.57% 30,770.66pp 289,228,905,255 9,568 5,071 968
74 Hammer 98.86% 8,126.72pp 288,490,033,698 32,316 11,088 6,454
75 pregnant 36.54% 9,611.48pp 287,566,710,686 18,682 11,600 4,089
76 Melu 97.66% 14,843.42pp 286,416,486,099 13,781 5,219 54
77 Pkups 92.90% 6,943.49pp 285,294,552,483 14,923 21,014 9,614
78 Query 99.22% 9,840.80pp 283,727,135,922 3,737 15,937 4,623
79 Virgo 99.04% 13,592.68pp 283,213,217,767 63,466 645 6,748
80 rostld 96.82% 31,189.29pp 281,581,958,073 14,142 3,988 1,454
81 LolForest 96.53% 14,772.06pp 278,225,963,690 261 5,833 24,736
82 Olib 98.12% 17,706.83pp 277,529,770,577 4,476 18,254 2,746
83 Crystal 97.65% 42,259.13pp 276,356,009,887 3,922 11,490 2,899
84 lolol233 97.46% 26,231.88pp 275,156,894,823 36 3,863 5,817
85 Osdare 96.95% 17,080.23pp 272,542,954,848 61,713 2,313 2,665
86 Massimo99 91.46% 9,482.88pp 269,892,160,236 4,219 16,865 3,038
87 Arutairu 95.29% 8,687.26pp 265,202,595,551 887 15,050 9,761
88 SS is hard 97.09% 10,995.21pp 263,608,030,381 38,977 6,163 1,745
89 Chii Aruel 99.76% 5,874.00pp 263,584,508,324 6,535 9,051 143
90 Hranolka 99.20% 9,408.83pp 261,503,836,032 17,873 12,931 3,735
91 Chloebe 99.66% 6,402.94pp 261,162,487,678 23,106 4,377 171
92 sularis 97.13% 27,618.39pp 259,871,261,231 13,950 5,463 1,232
93 Zman840 97.39% 10,293.96pp 259,808,527,341 1,790 21,613 11,714
94 BeautifulKisa 97.70% 19,086.08pp 259,677,106,300 58,710 4,991 3,850
95 Prade 97.87% 11,621.44pp 259,184,879,871 14,216 7,224 3,050
96 Dragbit 2 97.58% 12,316.74pp 257,036,113,324 1,967 10,439 3,357
97 Jairod 97.50% 10,362.34pp 256,736,397,551 9,901 15,648 9,087
98 MALISZEWSKI 98.94% 23,098.54pp 255,825,624,753 2,968 5,549 889
99 Bidoof 97.43% 15,550.79pp 254,765,104,495 5,514 13,134 2,161
100 zSmoxKe 97.55% 9,142.39pp 252,397,192,909 2,082 14,668 127
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