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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,185) BluePlusSymbol 98.11% 9,857.51pp 46,867,199,781 10,496 30,434 21,976
2 (#1,029) Conor 99.95% 10,336.30pp 32,522,306,811 68,891 977 0
3 (#1,463) kevin3333g 99.95% 9,133.47pp 32,459,985,665 68,068 640 6
4 (#153) Remi_hs 98.68% 15,042.00pp 26,559,479,202 4 20,006 9,874
5 (#205) [Zeth] 98.93% 14,466.40pp 25,185,155,079 4,887 26,876 1,060
6 (#2,506) shinitaichan 97.58% 7,321.08pp 20,178,733,528 1,870 14,747 9,482
7 (#487) Saikoro 100.00% 12,241.50pp 18,938,000,714 39,957 14 2
8 (#1,197) Deli 100.00% 9,826.10pp 18,889,561,266 41,365 0 0
9 (#198) Fudgy 99.23% 14,493.10pp 18,224,988,999 6,947 14,717 1,627
10 (#77) RAI_4 99.03% 16,487.40pp 18,095,545,952 39,441 2,097 828
11 (#329) Das 99.45% 13,293.40pp 17,932,763,012 1,673 13,587 4,246
12 (#3,534) [Lunatic Elf] 98.54% 6,224.56pp 17,549,897,351 5,752 14,330 5,075
13 (#1,158) Araxcrow 97.52% 9,985.41pp 17,405,884,868 2,067 13,943 6,058
14 (#558) woam99 98.17% 11,924.10pp 16,640,799,268 1,043 8,533 4,979
15 (#5,103) ITotallyGetThat 98.04% 5,078.02pp 16,599,268,254 71 4,897 10,882
16 (#1) shinchikuhome 99.34% 22,138.30pp 16,379,186,006 14,669 1,033 301
17 (#515) Shyguy 99.67% 12,109.30pp 15,494,479,672 8,824 14,336 362
18 (#218) GamersDecision 97.93% 14,290.90pp 15,000,400,629 3,118 8,431 561
19 (#2,431) Renka 99.72% 7,425.74pp 14,444,955,726 30,097 4,720 19
20 (#1,811) Leralice 99.31% 8,411.14pp 13,749,955,836 26,910 111 359
21 (#156) Ney 99.11% 14,999.20pp 13,573,240,372 9,520 12,212 86
22 (#227) Genjuro 99.06% 14,183.10pp 13,412,341,059 1,334 4,370 5,003
23 (#598) Daanny 98.09% 11,717.30pp 11,994,756,066 4,364 10,326 2,983
24 (#228) Tropica_45 99.02% 14,182.00pp 11,661,305,913 23,884 917 562
25 (#166) Daniels 97.67% 14,851.90pp 10,722,739,357 568 6,501 2,539
26 (#492) Yukiama95 98.68% 12,215.80pp 10,649,981,963 1,393 6,829 2,741
27 (#724) Touhou Project 99.22% 11,235.40pp 10,568,643,767 1,989 5,174 3,118
28 (#1,129) Hatsuse 99.11% 10,049.40pp 10,238,111,773 9,528 9,759 1,150
29 (#1,850) ____ReFFeN____ 96.95% 8,337.35pp 10,028,893,857 1,207 8,108 4,003
30 (#129) Xok 98.81% 15,381.20pp 9,564,764,346 524 2,201 3,310
31 (#117) JoshEco4 97.97% 15,541.30pp 9,096,949,698 631 4,096 2,612
32 (#625) MEGADRAGONFLY 98.74% 11,603.50pp 8,982,773,104 408 3,468 2,902
33 (#3,530) Elisie 99.53% 6,232.17pp 8,848,262,435 20,221 970 41
34 (#156) Hori_159 100.00% 15,013.90pp 8,592,290,344 8,038 0 0
35 (#52) AuroraPhasmata 97.55% 17,198.00pp 8,547,993,200 1,341 3,309 1,264
36 (#277) Horiiizon 97.53% 13,702.30pp 8,457,881,130 2,117 6,236 1,315
37 (#2,221) Ayane Sora 99.39% 7,695.89pp 8,337,372,451 17,656 2,500 88
38 (#175) Jaye 98.95% 14,792.40pp 8,218,854,004 1,765 8,669 13
39 (#1,352) geston 99.60% 9,385.61pp 8,010,966,117 16,334 774 293
40 (#3,988) Frypo 98.69% 5,862.82pp 7,950,252,112 688 6,353 3,370
41 (#14) SilverTyrant 98.48% 19,030.30pp 7,858,928,692 109 2,097 2,303
42 (#565) sti 98.21% 11,862.30pp 7,839,782,744 241 7,333 962
43 (#1,155) 7ava 99.70% 9,989.78pp 7,618,975,486 860 6,068 1,482
44 (#413) Solor 98.42% 12,603.50pp 7,593,253,993 10,349 1,724 1,599
45 (#316) sing216 99.91% 13,384.10pp 7,363,684,965 11,733 61 1
46 (#470) Hfgbrzl 97.85% 12,297.50pp 7,356,774,627 613 10,515 114
47 (#189) uone 99.83% 14,617.20pp 7,221,505,020 9,945 129 20
48 (#1,002) Player- 99.98% 10,403.80pp 7,187,291,151 11,821 99 1
49 (#464) Anthoni 98.80% 12,337.10pp 7,154,076,499 163 860 529
50 (#198) TaikoWorldCup 97.84% 14,519.40pp 7,047,906,230 0 2,104 2,539
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