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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
701 bze 95.98% 13,106.47pp 94,309,073,861 142 1,397 2,589
702 Storm_AT 98.55% 14,665.61pp 94,308,383,104 3,444 5,429 1,635
703 sumyeon 97.55% 24,562.62pp 94,284,241,974 11,851 6,933 1,969
704 Neab 96.68% 9,028.23pp 94,264,034,949 976 4,962 1,999
705 Saymel 94.36% 14,820.99pp 94,167,868,586 85 1,780 1,175
706 Mula Hwaka 92.87% 9,435.28pp 94,002,070,625 294 3,092 2,670
707 yimi 94.12% 12,439.86pp 93,949,498,145 221 2,200 5,668
708 Sagisawa Arisa 96.00% 12,792.23pp 93,910,810,935 202 2,936 2,261
709 My Angel Anzu 96.70% 16,811.66pp 93,796,201,333 181 2,612 2,741
710 Jaagup 96.60% 14,891.29pp 93,788,754,960 368 3,691 3,336
711 Yentis 99.56% 10,649.02pp 93,776,884,867 422 3,893 1,072
712 justman 95.54% 17,902.53pp 93,689,479,241 632 2,435 1,634
713 Joyi 93.35% 15,706.34pp 93,685,886,331 1,199 2,522 2,839
714 Yuna-7S 96.02% 8,778.30pp 93,672,776,615 4,660 9,652 89
715 customCat 99.17% 2,886.99pp 93,581,567,636 2 20 2
716 toybot 96.62% 24,274.08pp 93,577,062,689 526 3,259 2,998
717 ChillierPear 97.57% 19,858.85pp 93,561,945,322 408 2,307 2,785
718 -Levi- 98.35% 12,568.58pp 93,527,666,283 362 2,514 2,737
719 Xeanex 96.42% 8,735.89pp 93,446,456,326 11,779 5,093 2,809
720 Low budget Mosa 99.04% 7,882.14pp 93,441,387,716 1,546 7,209 3,243
721 Praw 98.13% 12,119.48pp 93,435,534,304 4,060 6,775 4,608
722 Sakaii 99.73% 10,433.85pp 93,383,448,229 3,521 3,601 133
723 NIKITKA38RUS 93.39% 9,561.44pp 93,373,251,266 949 5,084 6,541
724 - Frane- 98.02% 14,201.51pp 93,346,662,159 64 1,583 3,141
725 Electr0o 97.34% 33,813.66pp 93,338,258,161 293 3,837 2,357
726 LosingCrayon 99.83% 16,149.60pp 93,310,794,642 15,177 520 2,452
727 ItsJ0el 99.21% 14,510.12pp 93,305,575,598 6,215 660 68
728 Blue Wells 96.57% 8,758.19pp 93,256,512,727 705 5,897 2,261
729 - Shawn - 96.97% 9,226.41pp 93,054,465,560 438 2,852 3,812
730 Ji2zie 94.42% 13,703.12pp 93,046,833,549 155 2,054 3,058
731 Ariu 96.14% 10,258.98pp 92,991,671,703 271 2,001 2,367
732 CrtReXn 97.03% 11,990.06pp 92,887,998,729 187 2,654 3,114
733 ysen 96.04% 13,381.46pp 92,856,203,770 333 3,652 3,953
734 Noobsicle 98.97% 9,591.75pp 92,848,234,648 150 1,946 3,344
735 Nezzar 95.71% 15,022.09pp 92,796,704,984 98 2,597 2,572
736 [Amazing] 99.94% 11,142.30pp 92,786,871,791 5,902 2,220 75
737 RedKing 97.30% 10,391.37pp 92,782,138,798 185 3,057 4,722
738 Icun 95.58% 8,259.05pp 92,740,305,953 4 1,899 3,196
739 waaiiru 98.93% 11,085.90pp 92,728,064,423 181 2,132 2,214
740 Roro Rosset 99.63% 7,712.59pp 92,721,751,801 8,419 2,135 335
741 TheBushy 97.22% 16,750.53pp 92,660,094,693 1,101 5,050 7,361
742 2rdiodul 96.88% 19,593.57pp 92,608,640,862 110 5,003 3,794
743 Maririn 97.26% 23,022.23pp 92,607,948,819 835 3,362 229
744 Barack 98.96% 14,976.03pp 92,531,817,560 1,929 4,398 3,196
745 Leithanien 97.06% 26,024.65pp 92,507,445,740 704 4,226 2,491
746 best acc player 92.82% 7,219.09pp 92,496,969,130 888 5,294 4,072
747 dragonlemmy 95.10% 8,140.46pp 92,452,688,168 32 2,718 6,511
748 deflateddolphin 97.31% 14,789.07pp 92,405,858,966 249 4,107 2,948
749 dazzulay 98.86% 16,680.80pp 92,384,898,862 455 5,325 922
750 hallowatcher 99.46% 14,548.31pp 92,328,230,121 254 2,104 1,652
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