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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#17,917) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 15,971 88,341 2,923
2 (#10,586) Infora 95.99% 7,057.46pp 28,404,968,545 12,050 16,824 842
3 (#78,749) Drop 98.83% 2,609.41pp 11,361,412,959 6,674 4,695 1
4 (#8,801) ERA Nikolai 96.20% 7,497.56pp 32,562,663,881 5,905 26,225 1,253
5 (#19,536) FerdiXIA- 98.79% 5,571.25pp 11,445,952,945 5,210 6,153 97
6 (#44,002) Marcialus 97.31% 3,846.40pp 5,835,644,713 4,442 1,202 184
7 (#207,206) kevin3333g 100.00% 920.86pp 3,716,999,592 3,712 0 0
8 (#4,578) MinyamiCat 95.32% 8,909.98pp 15,398,893,142 3,567 11,701 394
9 (#4,408) - AlKaid - 95.12% 9,002.17pp 26,846,419,546 3,435 26,367 98
10 (#19,513) sitarg 97.05% 5,572.59pp 25,753,952,713 2,702 23,113 17
11 (#16,687) mwahh 96.45% 5,933.37pp 11,010,267,012 2,667 9,412 247
12 (#17,982) Falcon 96.86% 5,754.05pp 2,838,861,014 2,226 594 21
13 (#74) [LS]bambi fnf 96.79% 18,266.90pp 7,503,716,042 2,098 5,089 386
14 (#88,817) -Mizuki 99.96% 2,359.89pp 13,077,567,097 2,064 445 0
15 (#21,515) sasa pspsps 99.93% 5,362.82pp 44,804,765,921 1,898 49,658 0
16 (#44,919) animeslayergp 96.44% 3,801.32pp 14,789,369,193 1,749 12,376 1,308
17 (#3,402) [ Yuracawaii ] 96.80% 9,525.09pp 12,406,135,639 1,502 12,152 43
18 (#6,336) Ezze 97.09% 8,223.66pp 15,777,768,195 1,444 15,003 116
19 (#94,537) ERA Zoomi 95.96% 2,230.83pp 6,365,092,421 1,357 4,676 425
20 (#75,961) - [ Mat ] - 96.38% 2,686.73pp 2,120,933,603 1,337 680 87
21 (#135) OutLast 97.22% 16,854.20pp 8,736,385,452 1,318 7,370 17
22 (#6,975) Meiden 97.13% 8,003.65pp 21,478,635,293 1,297 20,282 207
23 (#793) Anemia 95.92% 12,529.40pp 6,211,037,470 1,119 5,129 136
24 (#164,347) Candy 99.77% 1,269.35pp 5,262,922,919 1,062 4,205 0
25 (#102,053) Harumiii 98.76% 2,085.14pp 9,920,500,861 1,060 9,524 39
26 (#8,916) ZayyKen 96.61% 7,469.44pp 4,625,928,244 1,023 3,401 259
27 (#16,829) Dilly_P 96.98% 5,913.32pp 4,419,306,765 967 3,370 207
28 (#7,567) OCaca 96.83% 7,819.91pp 3,246,901,440 909 2,285 79
29 (#31,227) Espurr 98.89% 4,552.06pp 8,250,073,526 905 7,293 1
30 (#20,599) -TsuKi- 96.87% 5,457.88pp 6,046,436,408 881 5,061 337
31 (#7,864) trans rights 96.68% 7,738.36pp 24,855,401,795 865 24,042 284
32 (#3,316) Kobenis Car 97.19% 9,579.06pp 7,934,683,359 856 7,028 140
33 (#29,376) Sr Equihua 96.13% 4,683.99pp 9,571,688,761 846 8,540 440
34 (#16,890) [TKS] Aclunt 97.92% 5,904.06pp 3,807,299,251 843 3,079 4
35 (#39,545) W4RU1K0 JPN 98.07% 4,072.85pp 10,532,393,460 814 9,927 208
36 (#40,176) MrVizzy_YT 98.64% 4,037.38pp 2,449,242,664 764 1,688 8
37 (#5,084) KcHecKa 97.74% 8,684.76pp 20,729,634,462 753 20,783 262
38 (#13,479) May 96.36% 6,445.60pp 4,004,139,297 749 3,221 16
39 (#163) lnote_ 96.50% 16,248.30pp 11,591,897,643 661 10,480 313
40 (#12,632) Dav1d1 95.96% 6,608.40pp 8,780,472,303 626 8,142 280
41 (#206,157) Andriuxx 97.71% 925.14pp 6,993,416,184 581 6,356 79
42 (#4,700) Adri 97.14% 8,853.03pp 16,330,423,901 539 15,589 424
43 (#1,992) SubTheEevee 97.15% 10,585.00pp 12,069,002,603 538 12,493 295
44 (#1,279) twon 96.73% 11,473.00pp 10,900,516,330 499 10,807 135
45 (#38,507) Nayruhle 96.81% 4,126.73pp 3,660,576,303 478 3,154 164
46 (#1,918) Kibitz 97.56% 10,654.70pp 12,730,587,658 471 12,669 11
47 (#22,037) RenegadeLucien 97.19% 5,310.34pp 2,366,601,142 468 1,830 159
48 (#11,714) Shirohara 96.15% 6,804.19pp 11,287,505,327 456 12,640 176
49 (#117,791) Brittany Miller 98.46% 1,819.79pp 22,841,956,184 442 23,026 144
50 (#5,511) DaraDara 96.52% 8,515.74pp 10,701,943,832 437 10,188 284
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