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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
251 (#32,482) Zancer- 95.77% 4,475.10pp 3,631,692,815 40 3,445 265
252 (#107,561) Skrub 96.13% 1,984.91pp 606,868,512 40 375 192
253 (#3,274) -Kita- 96.89% 9,602.97pp 2,379,612,297 40 2,209 193
254 (#95) myucchii 97.88% 17,776.90pp 1,795,256,089 40 1,714 77
255 (#434) Lattekun_ 98.08% 13,793.70pp 990,849,931 40 905 68
256 (#34,774) gpdl 96.86% 4,334.95pp 987,560,273 39 950 51
257 (#60,026) VKAwesome101 95.85% 3,184.06pp 941,425,254 39 796 177
258 (#225,450) error010255 99.86% 802.76pp 811,482,610 38 775 0
259 (#400) noober 97.78% 14,025.80pp 1,479,793,178 38 1,288 189
260 (#499) [Crz]Namia 97.68% 13,448.30pp 1,440,214,185 38 1,289 213
261 (#13,092) Jellyblob 95.76% 6,519.29pp 5,835,519,716 38 5,706 399
262 (#238) [HaRu] 97.23% 15,415.70pp 1,347,876,724 38 1,317 15
263 (#14,176) pandagraph 96.64% 6,321.67pp 2,770,757,935 38 2,665 155
264 (#6,222) gupp_ 96.62% 8,262.07pp 1,539,342,756 38 1,410 149
265 (#502) ERA Dev 97.67% 13,439.50pp 2,126,000,828 37 2,005 107
266 (#1,500) robrt 97.58% 11,147.80pp 2,827,725,554 37 2,596 95
267 (#632) raatus 97.54% 12,961.40pp 2,528,282,407 37 2,146 215
268 (#242,565) Azilux 98.85% 706.37pp 170,907,317 37 133 5
269 (#1,055) Gxbran 97.84% 11,913.70pp 2,376,869,247 37 1,954 103
270 (#142,702) Brames 95.23% 1,496.98pp 980,884,154 37 854 48
271 (#150,697) Iuco 97.00% 1,408.38pp 797,362,044 36 800 6
272 (#20,993) doraemon0627 95.92% 5,417.22pp 1,664,739,843 36 1,039 790
273 (#691) tajjj 97.22% 12,776.50pp 1,263,587,492 36 1,145 124
274 (#68,142) perich 95.72% 2,918.03pp 907,522,144 35 728 232
275 (#19,926) entter 96.87% 5,529.74pp 1,761,881,930 35 1,679 236
276 (#38,637) GibJittimon 96.37% 4,119.10pp 718,881,649 35 566 178
277 (#8,769) BluJellu 97.85% 7,506.52pp 1,539,977,306 35 1,554 167
278 (#3,034) McButt 98.20% 9,763.28pp 3,144,788,789 35 2,761 31
279 (#6,435) Haruka 95.85% 8,182.43pp 9,178,795,882 35 9,159 124
280 (#111,894) Z109 95.59% 1,912.30pp 496,911,865 34 358 104
281 (#10,006) Hookseye 98.27% 7,202.84pp 3,443,953,614 34 3,382 62
282 (#2,631) joako_loco 97.52% 10,058.30pp 3,404,362,168 34 3,135 256
283 (#15,638) EterEnvy 98.01% 6,090.17pp 1,864,644,883 33 1,844 62
284 (#18,988) tathmairk 96.01% 5,636.93pp 10,405,358,413 33 10,204 549
285 (#31,642) Cloudical 95.59% 4,528.79pp 910,751,385 33 632 337
286 (#3,082) diablorex1234 97.55% 9,730.93pp 3,217,844,864 33 3,037 278
287 (#1,775) Doge 97.60% 10,796.80pp 1,841,927,125 33 1,800 84
288 (#44,962) Haadez 96.10% 3,799.12pp 1,913,964,236 33 1,621 351
289 (#26,482) magnusien1 96.89% 4,910.04pp 2,870,275,621 32 2,430 462
290 (#354) Nebimin 97.43% 14,354.20pp 1,198,584,230 32 291 26
291 (#762) UziBoy 95.80% 12,620.00pp 2,525,315,999 32 2,752 21
292 (#683) zKuri 98.15% 12,796.50pp 1,657,874,923 32 1,589 71
293 (#557) Begin 96.50% 13,192.10pp 2,057,497,726 32 1,956 131
294 (#93,651) Buster 96.15% 2,252.25pp 1,228,667,302 32 1,172 49
295 (#459) [NMC] Noraa 97.74% 13,654.50pp 2,522,001,862 32 2,504 99
296 (#870) pogyes 97.27% 12,320.30pp 1,387,222,165 31 1,289 110
297 (#9,347) scootwashere 97.72% 7,363.62pp 692,100,553 31 678 31
298 (#7,616) jarofdirt 96.33% 7,811.77pp 5,923,931,496 31 5,790 176
299 (#11,871) [TCD] tihung 97.04% 6,771.79pp 1,948,831,539 30 1,882 201
300 (#4,747) Kirasa 95.68% 8,833.88pp 7,742,366,495 30 7,344 775
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