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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
101 (#90) bagjettka 96.94% 17,879.80pp 6,195,022,590 144 5,564 488
102 (#12,279) [TKS] Vappy 96.10% 6,685.39pp 13,858,550,497 143 13,252 957
103 (#1,082) moths 98.63% 11,850.90pp 3,668,309,794 141 3,539 57
104 (#20,069) happyexe 97.68% 5,511.01pp 4,187,453,050 133 4,018 229
105 (#4,018) PatouZ 97.71% 9,181.14pp 1,946,406,445 131 1,824 37
106 (#6,055) Punuy 97.28% 8,316.47pp 2,602,340,807 130 2,162 56
107 (#3,815) Claren 98.15% 9,295.09pp 4,970,506,417 130 4,711 207
108 (#470) [MY] Ril 96.11% 13,565.50pp 3,548,478,491 125 3,277 395
109 (#54,757) ibacot 98.79% 3,378.31pp 21,706,426,212 124 23,220 217
110 (#11,314) Tom4 96.56% 6,889.64pp 5,049,831,227 123 4,088 220
111 (#10,628) Mashifu 97.64% 7,044.83pp 1,644,561,869 120 1,493 106
112 (#1,484) Plushsune 97.32% 11,158.00pp 3,386,782,605 120 2,975 467
113 (#1,169) Maxim-Miau 96.42% 11,676.50pp 4,365,759,564 119 3,700 407
114 (#5,883) bigmanbigman 97.22% 8,376.58pp 20,649,332,270 119 20,554 586
115 (#3,498) Beajek 96.73% 9,474.48pp 5,248,206,967 118 4,643 698
116 (#139,094) pellboyy 99.71% 1,535.78pp 3,058,562,579 116 2,948 8
117 (#494) klobuck 97.86% 13,479.40pp 2,331,770,124 115 2,171 95
118 (#23,116) Kasey 96.87% 5,202.87pp 2,021,162,777 114 1,631 375
119 (#1,069) leqek 97.10% 11,883.20pp 8,189,869,672 113 7,911 332
120 (#727) Selitation 98.01% 12,713.30pp 3,016,898,149 112 2,812 31
121 (#19,497) AaronTherapy 97.84% 5,574.71pp 1,073,476,373 110 1,068 0
122 (#18,319) 3_3 98.74% 5,712.93pp 1,499,639,385 109 1,464 1
123 (#1,122) -Willow- 96.46% 11,769.80pp 11,863,477,331 109 11,772 174
124 (#2,641) LuxAzure 95.50% 10,046.60pp 2,356,163,055 107 2,190 187
125 (#123,274) Animation-Game 97.92% 1,740.65pp 13,013,376,613 106 12,945 28
126 (#135,314) Just_Pointless 96.89% 1,582.29pp 1,388,327,404 105 1,223 129
127 (#4,127) SPLONK 97.54% 9,123.73pp 2,285,932,118 104 2,155 43
128 (#23,682) pizzaroot 96.75% 5,151.47pp 264,720,309 102 148 26
129 (#11,572) Cui 97.72% 6,829.69pp 1,429,253,218 101 1,309 68
130 (#661) [Crz]SuJaK 96.39% 12,862.90pp 2,271,472,899 101 1,983 244
131 (#58) DawnX 96.71% 19,120.90pp 2,431,729,182 101 2,205 159
132 (#27,453) Kanon Matsubara 96.39% 4,824.17pp 9,134,194,721 99 9,316 301
133 (#7,477) Duriana 96.91% 7,848.04pp 3,293,421,026 98 3,164 122
134 (#78,884) [Goukisan] 95.58% 2,607.42pp 4,816,510,321 96 4,184 764
135 (#37,875) Black Louis 96.14% 4,158.44pp 3,836,937,787 95 3,609 412
136 (#2,333) [HD]Softer64 97.26% 10,276.40pp 2,570,724,025 94 2,406 211
137 (#4,028) nhathuy010 97.49% 9,171.74pp 4,565,210,562 93 4,372 327
138 (#6,812) cibuleng 96.63% 8,048.72pp 1,798,568,018 93 1,576 264
139 (#153) lxLucasxl 96.77% 16,502.40pp 7,838,113,190 92 7,744 88
140 (#1,290) Korisero 97.13% 11,454.30pp 1,715,948,752 92 1,565 61
141 (#34,773) FAMoss 96.51% 4,333.26pp 773,034,297 91 618 73
142 (#7,400) te_betst 96.49% 7,873.29pp 3,849,969,820 89 3,556 376
143 (#75,210) 23blab 97.30% 2,705.47pp 5,265,913,175 88 5,087 92
144 (#5,516) l-_-l 98.30% 8,513.47pp 4,259,437,344 88 4,066 17
145 (#314) Manipstire 98.11% 14,608.40pp 3,956,963,641 87 2,773 107
146 (#3,272) Zergh 97.60% 9,602.33pp 3,801,304,404 85 3,416 330
147 (#2,377) Keik_o 94.96% 10,239.30pp 11,124,246,464 84 10,606 1,202
148 (#217,895) mjj741 97.31% 848.83pp 552,433,134 81 465 9
149 (#99,263) NikoN1nja 97.51% 2,135.71pp 371,873,463 80 279 25
150 (#4,393) RexYoo 97.26% 9,005.65pp 1,381,740,475 80 1,275 64
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