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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
401 (#15,062) LuluChanTV 96.73% 6,182.57pp 4,424,402,190 46 4,415 267
402 (#222,074) shizume 96.08% 824.60pp 209,083,829 46 136 25
403 (#144,396) Loli_Remilia 98.83% 1,479.62pp 77,516,923 46 36 0
404 (#166,474) Osten 95.97% 1,250.78pp 771,669,772 46 473 306
405 (#5,329) Smokydoh 97.39% 8,584.84pp 4,007,559,471 46 3,698 327
406 (#100,747) - Zavieraxine - 95.04% 2,111.29pp 4,239,217,059 45 4,081 186
407 (#174,681) bocchicookie 96.54% 1,174.24pp 329,570,700 45 228 73
408 (#32,521) FoxtrotOnce 96.81% 4,476.82pp 769,672,058 45 547 188
409 (#20,960) maybeAghost 97.20% 5,423.63pp 3,238,591,781 45 3,060 274
410 (#42,661) downy 96.90% 3,913.23pp 660,806,207 45 468 152
411 (#3,275) -Kita- 96.89% 9,602.97pp 2,383,292,692 45 2,207 193
412 (#674) Humanod 95.96% 12,841.60pp 458,301,536 45 391 66
413 (#163,672) Ciyus Miapah 95.29% 1,279.50pp 257,958,964 44 154 33
414 (#46,887) Raised 98.03% 3,712.95pp 782,335,535 44 653 156
415 (#4,312) O2Jammer_Taeho 97.18% 9,049.38pp 348,950,341 44 290 23
416 (#264,239) Dask 95.53% 601.30pp 203,891,343 43 108 33
417 (#296,817) ChewyJyn 99.61% 462.94pp 57,839,209 43 9 7
418 (#20,621) FallenStar- 97.61% 5,457.24pp 367,226,211 43 316 22
419 (#141,402) Thomasg31d 96.20% 1,514.76pp 387,198,857 43 259 81
420 (#1,689) NeonDrakon 98.24% 10,892.20pp 2,586,431,404 43 2,352 200
421 (#19,707) kwtuuq 98.12% 5,555.90pp 741,311,308 42 691 66
422 (#961) LazyGhost14 98.03% 12,106.80pp 2,399,118,040 42 2,255 80
423 (#180,414) Viranyaa 96.66% 1,124.73pp 517,461,921 42 393 132
424 (#37,751) Hkefp 97.40% 4,171.61pp 520,803,322 42 217 16
425 (#92,419) Kosao 96.65% 2,283.14pp 633,067,378 42 401 184
426 (#1,911) Ery 97.29% 10,672.10pp 6,322,751,413 42 5,858 684
427 (#2,984) SeungYeon 96.37% 9,801.77pp 2,732,742,120 42 2,705 31
428 (#179,491) Extinc Tay 96.27% 1,131.60pp 446,035,454 42 319 103
429 (#454) debuti 98.19% 13,684.90pp 1,053,224,384 42 990 49
430 (#309,448) Jeremiasz 99.24% 416.53pp 43,815,940 42 4 0
431 (#1,055) Gxbran 97.84% 11,913.70pp 2,381,864,982 42 1,954 103
432 (#32,616) My Angel Chef 97.24% 4,470.53pp 1,744,059,033 42 1,838 161
433 (#226,447) -Plate- 96.78% 798.77pp 279,132,622 42 213 41
434 (#6,048) ytho 96.86% 8,323.89pp 1,667,318,821 42 1,597 145
435 (#142,238) Robin_ 95.98% 1,504.13pp 680,385,484 42 413 237
436 (#219,379) SharinganGirl 95.45% 841.40pp 694,008,181 41 621 39
437 (#63,022) Nerthar 95.55% 3,085.69pp 4,589,987,043 41 3,510 1,234
438 (#1,900) Snowiz 98.14% 10,684.70pp 3,133,341,474 41 2,878 190
439 (#66,554) Osdare 95.42% 2,974.39pp 1,063,912,824 41 513 459
440 (#38,724) GoGoMan 96.05% 4,116.45pp 230,392,370 41 135 61
441 (#121,715) Tokikaze_ 95.09% 1,767.49pp 411,829,348 41 282 133
442 (#37,651) TallTarnation 96.79% 4,177.75pp 12,907,554,369 41 12,740 441
443 (#1,468) XxNewson1234xX 97.49% 11,187.40pp 2,479,418,665 41 2,373 128
444 (#436) Lattekun_ 98.08% 13,793.70pp 993,551,600 41 906 68
445 (#2,087) NEON573 96.89% 10,494.20pp 275,834,751 40 238 10
446 (#3,687) P_F_C_PRO 97.17% 9,370.78pp 1,535,374,991 40 1,400 144
447 (#80,221) fogi 96.10% 2,575.40pp 337,595,368 40 247 99
448 (#21,514) Yukari_Sama 96.60% 5,365.83pp 9,459,809,196 40 9,358 186
449 (#32,512) Zancer- 95.77% 4,475.10pp 3,631,692,815 40 3,445 265
450 (#152,751) ricoel 95.74% 1,388.64pp 319,455,056 40 201 77
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