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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
101 Airion 96.48% 15,743.95pp 193,745,224,884 5,403 5,833 518
102 Metalia 90.59% 15,689.92pp 20,442,778,288 34 1,025 579
103 fayew 98.18% 15,484.91pp 18,151,431,441 331 917 298
104 Mashiro Mama 99.96% 14,720.90pp 59,874,054,803 948 1,508 126
105 Yuno4life 99.80% 14,564.80pp 31,952,783,177 245 1,611 457
106 Crystallize 99.85% 14,554.70pp 81,253,810,162 717 3,072 65
107 Kaare 99.88% 14,364.10pp 54,563,176,744 128 1,506 80
108 Tris 99.84% 14,138.20pp 46,615,304,781 285 2,376 352
109 SharpN 99.77% 14,090.60pp 38,677,241,612 296 1,933 266
110 [ Seraf ] 99.84% 14,089.40pp 46,159,405,847 637 2,578 275
111 Kenny331 99.84% 13,975.30pp 72,700,851,820 1,492 2,971 275
112 ChrisS3097 98.66% 13,749.85pp 65,020,174,681 462 3,330 850
113 FABninja 99.83% 13,361.10pp 57,379,117,679 529 2,087 200
114 Kasumi-sama 99.86% 12,810.90pp 37,318,066,385 450 3,622 400
115 DataPata 92.93% 12,680.90pp 53,254,714,630 657 3,564 487
116 -liunya 95.91% 12,480.69pp 52,629,265,021 296 3,165 1,499
117 Rebbel 99.57% 12,458.70pp 33,613,963,847 433 1,476 108
118 Romania 97.14% 11,826.02pp 292,151,712,182 23,980 10,985 4,682
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