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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Nathanial 98.46% 52,561.67pp 20,149,077,925 637 1,789 689
2 sd enjoyer 96.34% 40,159.44pp 49,601,396,818 1,601 2,751 1,556
3 Electr0o 97.39% 36,347.32pp 121,311,868,235 354 4,167 2,359
4 Groex 97.63% 36,095.58pp 156,430,898,544 2,086 4,392 1,300
5 Ttobas 98.02% 35,139.42pp 110,462,253,576 2,218 3,327 565
6 masterpiece 97.95% 34,794.19pp 62,032,221,894 195 1,607 1,714
7 AgentYous 98.02% 34,272.60pp 65,889,471,516 2,694 6,328 2,472
8 Lume 96.21% 33,963.83pp 125,488,261,400 615 3,547 2,234
9 _aphantasia 96.94% 32,665.23pp 13,940,461,924 174 1,182 1,122
10 Setomi 97.88% 32,064.24pp 84,724,244,610 796 2,711 1,433
11 Chatie 97.88% 31,830.17pp 90,613,814,279 2,725 5,231 2,624
12 Daletto 97.73% 31,055.67pp 120,184,799,017 2,354 4,004 768
13 Veeti 97.57% 31,027.86pp 304,130,994,725 9,967 5,167 967
14 -Kaguya 97.82% 30,953.06pp 56,962,557,699 451 1,152 430
15 Nelly 98.10% 30,512.89pp 188,756,816,636 5,924 5,163 1,037
16 HydriZ 96.75% 30,452.63pp 81,064,066,030 3,913 3,270 2,388
17 Camme79 97.33% 30,136.60pp 66,206,755,476 487 2,029 1,065
18 Blue Vaporous 98.02% 30,045.18pp 56,473,429,827 719 2,633 850
19 Leinou 96.98% 29,923.17pp 226,931,549,744 6,688 9,106 3,278
20 Stardust Prism 97.41% 29,049.57pp 89,939,652,539 1,035 3,907 1,418
21 Shameimaru 97.56% 28,952.18pp 138,562,742,869 7,584 5,336 750
22 madcin 97.73% 28,731.87pp 196,363,311,345 8,357 6,433 1,844
23 YERTI 99.34% 28,643.60pp 154,907,336,378 4,037 4,787 512
24 Soruki 97.83% 28,044.01pp 52,116,994,534 1,361 2,909 1,343
25 Rakety 97.24% 27,968.75pp 52,523,130,177 624 1,564 541
26 FruktoLove 96.21% 27,869.18pp 322,223,372,792 12,472 7,862 237
27 Mniam 96.81% 27,453.59pp 51,474,450,041 2,225 2,324 880
28 ArMa79 98.82% 27,237.19pp 47,212,491,914 596 1,537 787
29 BoberOfDarkness 97.17% 26,870.97pp 81,312,119,666 1,721 3,530 634
30 wonderleif 97.06% 26,824.21pp 85,646,401,715 5,894 2,067 702
31 Nipah 99.59% 26,437.09pp 105,141,869,741 3,988 2,444 1,026
32 Inryoku 97.34% 26,231.57pp 27,178,809,783 605 1,154 257
33 TheFrozenGamer 98.60% 26,129.04pp 62,164,920,588 235 2,221 1,572
34 BIG H ZONDA KIT 98.49% 26,092.95pp 231,900,813,392 12,962 2,948 1,784
35 Zelepha 94.36% 25,874.45pp 85,101,002,401 271 3,051 2,060
36 ti gnida 94.42% 25,441.07pp 77,288,804,694 1,165 2,302 631
37 snowflake- 97.96% 25,394.46pp 30,993,220,300 178 2,429 909
38 DakkyChan 97.20% 25,262.39pp 23,063,809,492 188 944 240
39 ArthurEdikovich 97.35% 24,608.88pp 38,408,379,343 702 1,449 561
40 Revi- 99.56% 24,491.12pp 119,350,123,795 1,661 5,316 1,653
41 Sleqzy 99.20% 24,232.15pp 68,414,862,887 1,605 2,547 706
42 Phob 99.10% 24,090.23pp 56,781,981,999 1,270 1,166 144
43 Ash Ketchum 96.29% 23,558.28pp 48,960,796,534 369 1,818 557
44 CyCeph 97.52% 23,511.15pp 234,400,285,396 8,052 7,110 1,063
45 Boros 98.32% 23,076.22pp 150,986,731,676 1,096 6,693 537
46 Marvmallow 98.58% 23,020.75pp 129,433,146,625 1,530 2,807 222
47 Juansy- 96.91% 22,953.99pp 79,419,168,365 1,299 3,497 630
48 Adisi 97.20% 22,934.32pp 37,439,298,150 2,362 3,801 1,525
49 Sakhalin79 99.42% 22,566.42pp 154,162,234,057 3,495 3,906 1,017
50 trig0n 99.87% 22,441.40pp 67,454,180,122 307 1,929 436
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