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Brazil TOP 50

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Dropinx 97.97% 40,654.07pp 72,177,988,890 593 3,706 2,999
2 Coreanmaluco 97.71% 34,456.12pp 169,846,846,819 1,620 8,171 3,702
3 Ideal 98.86% 23,842.90pp 45,049,072,642 126 2,453 1,938
4 dasdwqdf 96.58% 15,069.11pp 89,055,319,690 830 3,693 1,592
5 MouseEasy 98.56% 14,604.20pp 51,803,530,916 310 1,868 2,037
6 Zekker 97.18% 13,817.32pp 51,373,160,672 1,113 930 1,095
7 Mystia 98.90% 12,814.20pp 53,669,859,544 276 1,290 1,789
8 Yellowl 99.65% 11,791.70pp 37,851,798,837 253 1,348 523
9 fea 99.17% 11,474.40pp 22,085,642,857 562 727 392
10 Sickoh 98.64% 10,885.80pp 25,825,048,554 62 763 905
11 Gaiava 98.73% 10,282.70pp 30,253,368,830 48 1,872 1,693
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