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Brazil TOP 50

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#169) Coreanmaluco 98.68% 16,083.30pp 161,923,458,445 1,437 6,743 3,110
2 (#336) - Biia 99.00% 14,724.00pp 65,807,563,943 408 2,085 2,108
3 (#360) MouseEasy 98.56% 14,604.20pp 51,803,530,916 310 1,868 2,037
4 (#491) dasdwqdf 98.75% 13,955.30pp 88,288,610,847 819 3,648 1,557
5 (#925) Mystia 98.90% 12,814.20pp 53,578,720,053 276 1,290 1,779
6 (#1,204) Zekker 98.82% 12,354.90pp 51,183,494,078 1,081 890 1,072
7 (#1,624) Yellowl 99.65% 11,791.70pp 37,851,798,837 253 1,348 523
8 (#1,670) Ideal 98.59% 11,741.80pp 42,890,661,574 109 1,926 1,603
9 (#1,930) fea 99.17% 11,474.40pp 22,085,642,857 562 727 392
10 (#2,653) Sickoh 98.64% 10,885.80pp 25,804,412,528 62 761 906
11 (#3,778) Gaiava 98.73% 10,281.80pp 30,141,508,012 48 1,860 1,680
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