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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#9,360) -Reo 96.30% 7,290.96pp 828,983,906 8 685 191
2 (#26,002) Gato2499 96.09% 4,964.15pp 871,270,912 287 634 8
3 (#29,173) SrChispa 96.96% 4,731.35pp 264,701,595 6 241 44
4 (#55,660) Etsu 95.53% 3,457.39pp 1,155,839,914 207 912 87
5 (#166,951) Gamelan4 93.34% 1,440.79pp 124,292,138 1 42 67
6 (#300,658) Arkano036 99.63% 682.35pp 173,749,673 177 2 0
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