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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#162) SrChispa 98.37% 15,963.50pp 52,155,376,134 131 1,670 1,124
2 (#143,284) Arkano036 99.65% 4,093.34pp 3,456,490,119 501 474 24
3 (#194,414) Gamelan4 97.41% 3,521.58pp 2,120,349,413 9 162 252
4 (#290,790) Etsu 99.07% 2,774.77pp 1,611,184,852 55 303 193
5 (#452,376) Gato2499 100.00% 1,987.86pp 137,221,802 242 40 7
6 (#1,379,755) -Reo 89.76% 505.89pp 105,205,106 0 7 30
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