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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,107) Gamelan4 98.30% 10,463.10pp 1,424,814,297 16 468 471
2 (#6,108) Etsu 98.89% 5,347.56pp 585,185,129 121 555 142
3 (#6,738) Arkano036 99.28% 5,069.06pp 504,749,670 541 474 14
4 (#7,748) -Reo 95.77% 4,685.25pp 281,398,049 1 62 171
5 (#10,896) Gato2499 99.45% 3,741.58pp 159,519,536 288 129 9
6 (#12,215) SrChispa 95.88% 3,432.84pp 42,258,735 2 36 25
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