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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#44) Tyronix 96.25% 22,068.60pp 3,480,114,804 424 2,806 494
2 (#8,761) Mierf 96.45% 7,453.92pp 2,765,553,268 435 2,335 200
3 (#17,560) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,809.19pp 105,537,261,087 46,494 58,722 2,250
4 (#22,052) R1ght4 95.79% 5,320.47pp 257,332,171 1 202 83
5 (#31,519) Windows Me 96.37% 4,579.44pp 3,095,121,287 1,288 1,542 407
6 (#38,657) Prey 96.72% 4,178.43pp 875,747,793 16 627 249
7 (#42,363) woodpamp 95.95% 3,998.05pp 542,167,487 21 361 217
8 (#46,241) Ahmnesia 94.92% 3,826.73pp 701,289,498 1 450 318
9 (#50,135) Chatie 96.18% 3,668.45pp 729,501,818 25 637 142
10 (#57,222) DeathByDarwin 94.63% 3,403.55pp 2,368,231,612 68 1,486 839
11 (#61,582) rmcsls 96.43% 3,256.21pp 1,149,568,957 417 729 50
12 (#72,178) Akachi 94.12% 2,934.94pp 486,554,533 7 327 193
13 (#75,216) Theoseo 96.80% 2,849.09pp 472,966,162 1 325 174
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