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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#124) Chatie 99.92% 15,607.20pp 64,212,220,050 2,389 2,502 203
2 (#326) woodpamp 99.89% 12,350.40pp 35,037,428,135 1,014 1,667 316
3 (#13,296) Mierf 99.28% 1,862.74pp 505,053,674 14 181 65
4 (#14,987) Tyronix 99.37% 1,721.48pp 372,027,905 12 140 111
5 (#22,481) Akachi 99.49% 1,297.79pp 143,677,914 25 81 25
6 (#35,182) DeathByDarwin 99.22% 900.70pp 324,078,651 70 152 83
7 (#48,544) GrilledCheeese 98.33% 650.94pp 115,532,836 11 43 47
8 (#91,218) R1ght4 96.77% 290.53pp 30,693,001 0 7 7
9 (#257,598) Windows Me 95.41% 63.49pp 3,290,684 2 2 1
10 (#395,228) Theoseo 90.62% 36.91pp 5,340,620 0 0 4
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