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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#273) Tyronix 98.17% 14,183.60pp 2,335,037,860 12 246 1,309
2 (#320) R1ght4 98.32% 13,725.80pp 1,204,672,705 6 188 425
3 (#5,177) Chatie 98.89% 5,926.74pp 970,246,120 60 784 620
4 (#9,357) woodpamp 98.02% 4,289.03pp 197,412,108 3 302 111
5 (#12,978) Mierf 98.35% 3,401.47pp 251,464,964 2 77 346
6 (#13,606) Prey 96.83% 3,279.19pp 130,932,207 4 94 92
7 (#18,627) DeathByDarwin 94.90% 2,519.03pp 217,962,683 27 260 234
8 (#20,256) Akachi 91.10% 2,328.86pp 49,183,138 2 8 22
9 (#62,816) Windows Me 93.51% 688.77pp 12,576,786 4 27 13
10 (#120,004) Theoseo 87.38% 259.10pp 2,203,724 0 1 2
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