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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#245) Tyronix 98.17% 14,183.60pp 2,335,037,860 12 246 1,309
2 (#324) R1ght4 98.16% 13,441.30pp 1,174,635,238 6 185 419
3 (#4,936) Chatie 98.89% 5,926.66pp 943,028,056 60 777 602
4 (#8,919) woodpamp 98.02% 4,288.57pp 196,014,522 3 302 110
5 (#12,369) Mierf 98.35% 3,401.47pp 251,447,502 2 77 346
6 (#12,963) Prey 96.83% 3,279.19pp 130,932,207 4 94 92
7 (#19,285) Akachi 91.09% 2,327.06pp 48,676,994 2 7 21
8 (#21,529) DeathByDarwin 96.30% 2,087.67pp 171,205,821 26 241 210
9 (#59,623) Windows Me 93.45% 684.49pp 12,324,204 4 27 13
10 (#112,853) Theoseo 87.38% 259.10pp 2,203,724 0 1 2
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