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Vincentluu103 / Friends

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#103,643) eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 94.78% 2,340.44pp 838,983,329 31 539 338
2 (#137,968) WubWoofWolf 97.38% 1,830.46pp 2,989,235,117 616 1,806 592
3 (#242,887) Inoculum 99.66% 1,006.89pp 1,017,770,585 1,029 0 0
4 (#268,352) Sleepteiner 95.44% 883.79pp 6,584,683,189 6,491 54 50
5 (#272,289) Tactic 99.63% 865.65pp 1,000,356,289 1,001 0 0
6 (#358,892) [Mo] 91.54% 566.88pp 83,914,779 0 23 27
7 (#166,681) Willy 98.98% 286.88pp 104,566,862 12 90 9
8 (#522,807) Trail Mix 94.51% 245.13pp 37,196,797 2 21 11
9 (#540,736) _starry 99.49% 222.85pp 61,400,537 50 12 0
10 (#570,252) Jayson Todd 91.20% 190.38pp 43,404,446 2 20 11
11 (#1,226,671) Wakka 72.31% 12.77pp 2,485,064 0 0 0
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